Missouri Bee Conference 2024

Over 35 beekeeping lectures of varying subjects and complexity packed into one day.

Click here to download the entire schedule*

Mark your calendars for the Missouri State Beekeepers Association (MSBA) Fall Conference on October 26th in Arnold, Missouri. This one-day event, hosted at the Family Life Center of the First Baptist Church of Arnold, promises to be a comprehensive and engaging experience for beekeepers of all levels

Event Highlights:

Keynote Speaker

Dr. Larry Connor, owner of WicWas Press and a renowned author of numerous beekeeping books, will be the keynote speaker. His extensive knowledge and experience make him a highlight of the conference.


Other Featured Speakers:

Theresa Martin, author of “Dead Bees Don’t Make Honey,” will deliver several presentations focused on keeping bees healthy and preparing them for winter survival.  Recently featured on Two Bees in a Podcast.

Sheldon and Courtney Brummel from the University of Nebraska will share their research on hygienic behavior, compare winter survivability in different types of hives, and discuss the Great Plains Master Beekeeping Program.

Six simultaneous educational tracks of classes, attendees can choose from a wide range of topics. Sessions will cover essential subjects such as:

Methods for Improving Winter Survival
Value-Added Hive Products
Planning for Pollinators: USDA Financial Assistance
Treatment for Bee Stings and Emergencies
Survival Comparisons Between Deep, Medium, and Horizontal Hives
Medicinal Uses for Honey and Other Hive Products
The Great Plains Master Beekeeping Program
Research Updates from the UNL Bee Lab
And many more specialized topics

An all-day Beginner Track for new beekeepers featuring classes for those just getting started or wanting to get started in beekeeping.

Vendor Hall
: One of the tracks will be dedicated to vendor presentations, offering insights into new products and exclusive deals on beekeeping equipment. This is a great opportunity to explore the latest innovations and stock up on supplies.

Excellent Value:  MSBA is dedicated to education in the state of Missouri and we work hard to keep our costs down so we remain the best value for bee education.  To that end we have kept our registration fees for this event set at $65 for members and $75 for non-members (youth under 18 can register for just $15).  These fees cover your access to all of the excellent education mentioned above and covers your lunch and snacks.  We challenge you to find a better deal than this!

Whether you are a seasoned beekeeper or just starting, the MSBA Fall Conference offers valuable insights, networking opportunities, and practical knowledge to enhance your beekeeping practice. Don’t miss this chance to learn from experts, connect with fellow beekeepers, and explore the latest in beekeeping technology.

We hope to see you in Arnold on October 26th!

Register Now


*Schedule is subject to change, come back to this page for updates as we are able to post them

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Oct 26 2024


8:00 am - 5:30 pm


  • Dr. Lawrence "Larry" John Conner
    Dr. Lawrence "Larry" John Conner
    Founding Member Wicwas Press

    Michigan native Lawrence John Connor departed Michigan State University upon completion of his Ph.D. dissertation on strawberry pollination and assumed the position of extension apicultural entomologist at The Ohio State University in Columbus. There his program attracted the attention of investors interested in moving the Dadant Starline and Midnite Hybrid queen program to Florida to establish the world’s first mass production facility for instrumentally inseminated queen honey bees. Afterwards he moved to Connecticut where he established the Beekeeping Education Service, offering educational programs for beekeepers. Later he purchased Wicwas Press from Dr. Roger and Mary Lou Morse. He has written a series of beekeeping book: Increase Essentials, Bee Sex Essentials, Queen Rearing Essentials and most recently Keeping Bees Alive. He completed, Package Bee Essentials in 2020. He is the publisher and coauthor of Dewey Caron’s Honey Bee Biology and Beekeeping, with a completely revised and greatly expanded third edition, released in May 2022.

    He has also published a diverse array of titles by other authors dealing with bees, beekeeping, queen rearing and pollination. These books are by Professors Roger Morse, Harry Laidlaw and Robert Page, Drs. Nikolous and Gudren Koeniger (with Jamie Ellis), Carl Johansen and Daniel Mayer and Roger Hoopingarner, and beekeepers Steve Repasky, Ed Simon, Peter Lindtner, Andrew Connor, Michael Badger, William Blomstedt and Tammy Horn Potter. He has reprinted books by G.M. Doolittle, John Lovell and Frank Pellett. A list is available at www.wicwas.com.

    Connor’s wide range of experiences include being a hobby beekeeping as a 4-Her, bee researcher and educator, a commercial queen producer, and a lifelong teacher of practical beekeeping skills to thousands of beekeepers. He has traveled and lectured on bees and beekeeping in all states and many Canadian provinces. He has also lectured in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, the Czech Republic and Thailand.

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